I'm using Disqus basically as the "wall" for users on my website. Note I'm not using wordpress or anything similar, a "custom" so to speak disqus implementation.
When a user registers I'd like to be able to subscribe them to the disqus thread associated with their own profile page so they'll get email notifications. I imagined it would be something along the lines of SUBSCRIBE_BY_EMAIL($user_email,$thread_id). I was not able to find any such function in the disqus documentation, or through internet searching.
If you're still confused what I mean feel free to take a look at the user profile pages on my website:
You might be able to use the Disqus Web API, optionally with their own PHP implementation, for this. If they have no public API for it, you are most probably out of luck (that is, if you don't use client-side black hat JavaScript like Clickjacking).