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jQuery UI Datepicker - Date range - Highlight days in between

I'm looking for a way of highlighting the days in between the date range of 2 inputs on mouse over.

This example is nearly doing what I want to achieve:

Only difference is that the highlighting of the selected range should happen on two separate datepickers and on mouse over.

Any suggestions?


Ok, a bit more details:

After selecting a date from the first datepicker, the second datepicker should highlight the previous selected date. If you then mouse over a day past the previous selected day, all days in between should highlight by adding a class.

Update: This is how far I got:

    $("#input-service_date_leave, #input-service_date_return").datepicker({
        rangeSelect: true,
        beforeShow: customRange,
        onSelect: customRange,

    function customRange(input) {
        if ( == "input-service_date_leave") {

            $("#ui-datepicker-div td").die();

            if (selectedDate != null) { 
                $('#input-service_date_return').datepicker('option', 'minDate', selectedDate).datepicker('refresh');
        if ( == "input-service_date_return") {

            $("#ui-datepicker-div td").live({
                mouseenter: function() {
                mouseleave: function() {
                    $("#ui-datepicker-div td").removeClass("highlight");

            var selectedDate = $("#input-service_date_leave").datepicker("getDate");                
            if (selectedDate != null) { 
                $('#input-service_date_return').datepicker('option', 'minDate', selectedDate).datepicker('refresh');

Only problem, the live event just highlights the td's of the current hovered row, but not the td's of the rows before.

Any ideas?


  • I added a bit to your script. Worked like a charm on JSFiddle. Take a look and let me know.

        $("#input-service_date_leave, #input-service_date_return").datepicker({
            rangeSelect: true,
            beforeShow: customRange,
            onSelect: customRange,
        function customRange(input) {
            if ( == "input-service_date_leave") {
                $("#ui-datepicker-div td").die();
                if (selectedDate != null) {
                    $('#input-service_date_return').datepicker('option', 'minDate', selectedDate).datepicker('refresh');
            if ( == "input-service_date_return") {
                $("#ui-datepicker-div td").live({
                    mouseenter: function() {
                    mouseleave: function() {
                        $("#ui-datepicker-div td").removeClass("highlight");
                var selectedDate = $("#input-service_date_leave").datepicker("getDate");                
                if (selectedDate != null) {
                    $('#input-service_date_return').datepicker('option', 'minDate', selectedDate).datepicker('refresh');