Do you think this is a bad way to retrieve notifications? This WebMethod will be called each 10 seconds by JavaScript. Is there any better way of doing this? If so please elaborate. Thank you.
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public int[] GetNotifications()
int[] Notifications = new int[3]{0, 0, 0};
if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) {
string UserName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
Notifications[0] = Notification.GetAll(UserName, false).Count;
Notifications[1] = Message.GetAll(UserName, false).Count;
Notifications[2] = Friendship.GetFriends(UserName, true).Count;
return Notifications;
Check out the SignalR async signaling library for ASP.NET.