I'm running this function (interactive and in a hook) to reformat source code
(defun a-style ()
(shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) "/usr/local/bin/astyle -A10 -s4 -m0 -M40 -k1 -W0 -z2 -xd -CSKNLwYfpHjJcn" t t)))
but the save-excursion does not seem to work, the point always jumps to 1 (the shell command works though!). Am I missing something obvious here?
Thanks, Mario
So I finally did it the naive way:
(defun a-style ()
(setq temp-point (point))
(shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) "/usr/local/bin/astyle -A10 -s4 -m0 -M40 -k1 -W0 -z2 -xd -CSKNLwYfpHjJcn" t t)
(goto-char temp-point))
Kinda stupid, but does what I want. If anyone knows of a better solution, I'd be grateful.
The documentation for shell-command-on-region
says in part:
If REPLACE, the optional fifth argument, is non-nil, that means insert the output in place of text from START to END, putting point and mark around it.
Since you have REPLACE set to t
, it replaces all the text and puts point and mark around it, and so point goes to point-min. Furthermore, I think when the spot previously saved by save-excursion
is removed Emacs backs up to the beginning of the removed region which again is point-min.
I think your solution is fine.