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ActionBarSherlock AndroidManifest.xml and other files missing on import

I'd like to try the ActionBarSherlock library, but no matter what I try either my project gets the red exclamation point, or sherlock gets the red exclamation point, or sherlock gets errors, or I get "[2011-11-09 18:59:29 - Library-ActionBarSherlock] AndroidManifest.xml file missing!", etc...

I constantly open, close, clean, "fix project properties". I've tried it on the app i actually want to use it on and ive tried it with a brand new project with nothing else in the workspace but the library.

I really don't know what to try or what I'm doing wrong to make it seem so finicky.

EDIT: for example, right now sherlock has a red x with the missing manifest error and my project has a red exclamation point and when i go to build path the error is "actionbarsherlock.jar - ...(missing)".

EDIT2: I've looked many place including here, here, here, and here.


  • Fixed. Following note made by Gintautas Miliauskas Dec 10 '10 at 15:46 on this web page. So basically copy the source to a folder outside the Eclipse workspace, Create Android Project from Existing Source with the source being the library folder. This clears the missing AndroidManifest.xml error. After than the project can be moved to the workspace through Right Click > Refactor > Move

    Having fixed the missing AndroidManifest.xml file - now getting erorrs : The type ActionMenuItem must implement the inherited abstract method MenuItem.expandActionView() /ActionBarSherlock/src/com/actionbarsherlock/internal/view/menu line 11 Java Problem

    Loads of these errors. Will start to look into them. Also Cannot instantiate the type MenuItemWrapper These went away after changing ActionBarSherlock to switch from Android 4.0 to Android 3.2.