I'm having a problem with emulator-5554, it keeps telling me it is offline.
When I do a adb devices
from the command line it says
emulator-5554 offline
Even after a fresh restart, I try that command and it still says it is offline.
The problem is when I try to install .apk files to the emulator using abd install <path>
from the command prompt, it tells me that it is offline, if I create another device and run that one, then try to install the .apk files, it says I have too many devices connected. So in other words, I can't install my .apk files.
How can I get rid of that emulator-5554? I heard that if you do a restart, it should clear all the devices, but that does not seem to be working. It is like it is getting initialized when my computer starts up. Has anyone run into this issue?
In such a case, you can do all of the following in order to be assured that your emulator starts working again :
adb kill-server
in processes. If you find one, right click on it and click on end process tree. That's it! It will take a while and it should resolve your problem.