all. I have.
<div id="imagecontainer" class="header-image-container"> </div>
BG image are specified in css for ich page according on parent class.
.category-1 #imagecontainer {
background: url(_/images/1.jpg);
And i have menu. I want to chage BG image ommouse over, and on mouse out return image specified in css for this page according on parent class. I think it could be real using JQuery. For example we have opened category-3 page and move mouse on category-1 menu item and see catefory-1 BG image in #imagecontainer, and then we move mouse out see again category-3 BG image.
I think this will do you want:
$('#menu').mouseenter(function() {
}).mouseleave(function() {
You can see it in action here:
If you have other inline styles on your imagecontainer, it will also remove those on mouseleave. In that case, you will have do something more like what mblase75 is recommending.