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What is a good iPhone UI framework for a chess like game?

I am trying to develop a chess like game for iphone/ipad, I have developed the internal game logic using objective-c and c++ , that's fine but I am wondering what's the possible ways to develope a good GUI on iphone/ipad ?

As far as I know I could use Core Graphic, cocos2d.

Are there any more ? And which one might be best suitable for chess like game? (e.g display a fixed board, add chess piece to the board, remove piece from board, move piece around on board)

If my question was causing come confusing, I have rephrased it, hope this makes it a bit clearer. Many thanks


  • For game frameworks, the obvious one is cocos2d.

    Having almost finished a - relatively - simple 2d game, I would highly recommend using a framework like cocos2d. With Core Animation you can do a lot of amazing stuff. However, for game type scenarios, you hit problems that Core Animation doesn't solve.

    For example, what if the user gets a call during the game right in the middle of an animation? You'll have to handle all that manually. I mean, you'll have to check the state of thepresentationLayer, update the model layer, save all the state, then reconstruct it all when the app moves to the foreground again.

    For this sort of issues, I'd seriously consider a game framework.

    There are alternatives to cocos2d, e.g. Kobold2D. So definitely have a look around.