I'm just starting to use Scribe Library to update my Twitter status.
When I read many pages telling me that Scribe library known as Twitter Library, So, I dig deep into the GitHub of the Scribe library, but I ended up with a confused head.
Especially with this Example file. If you've opened it, you'll see this line of code:
Verifier verifier = new Verifier(in.nextLine());
1) The user need to input the PIN code? At the first time I tried to follow the example yes. I understand that we need to grant the access of the java app. But for the next... should we always entering the PIN code?
My purpose is only posting a new tweet... Could we get the Verifier PIN not from the Browser? From the API perhaps?
The pin code is used in the OOB (Out of Band) flow. The other (normal) flow is providing a callback url where you get the redirect with the verifier, you can do this using the callback("http://your-host/url")
method on the ServiceBuilder
You can (and are encouraged to) save the access_token so you don't need to authenticate your users every time.