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How to install CPPUnit for Visual C++ 2005?

I want to start to do some unit testing however I am really confused about how to setup CPPUnit. I have looked at various tutorials and guides online to find out what to do but there are so many variants of what to do. I've tried a few ways but none seem to work. If anyone could pont me in the right direction of what to do then I woudl be extremeley grateful. I am currently using visual studio 2005 and most of my apps are mainly MFC I also create a fair amount of .net apps so ideally I want it to work for both. I am a massive newbie so when explaining please try and keep technical jargon down to a minimum as I probably won't understand it.


  • Did you follow this tutorial?

    If it is still not working for you, can you please be a bit more specific on what is working for you and what is not? Maybe post the link to the tutorial you are following and where it bugs?