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Play Framework Greenscript, NullPointerException

playframework 1.2.3 , greenscript 1.2.6k

When accessing a page I get a NullPointerException on line 174 of

Line 174 is the last line in the example below (JobsPlugin.executor ...) :

    public void afterApplicationStart() {
        Properties p = Play.configuration;
        for (ResourceType type: ResourceType.values()) {
            final Minimizer m = type == ResourceType.JS ? jsM_ : cssM_;
            String s = fetchProp_(p, String.format("greenscript%s.cache.check", type.getExtension()));
            int i = "never".equalsIgnoreCase(s) ? -1 : Time.parseDuration(s); 
            if (-1 != i) {
                Job<Object> j = new Job<Object>() {
                    public void doJob() {
                JobsPlugin.executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(j, i, i, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


  • found that google app engine which was having its own errors was causing this. After this was fixed greenscript worked as expected