I am using the Koala gem to make facebook requests and i have the following code:
@graph = Koala::Facebook::API.new(oauth_token)
@graph.batch do |batch_api|
#... do stuff here
I want to mock out the batch call to simulate the stuff we are doing in there.
Here is what i have in RR.
oauth_token= "Sometoken"
batch_api_mock = nil
graph_mock = mock(Koala::Facebook::API).new(oauth_token).mock!
graph_mock.batch.returns do
yield batch_api_mock if block_given?
The problem is that block_given? is return false even though there is a block being passed in my source.
How do i mock a method that takes a block using RR?
K so after looking through the open tickets i found that the answer was that the first argument to the block is a RR::ProcFromBlock which is exactly the block that would be passed to the function. Here is the modification to the code to make it work.
oauth_token= "Sometoken"
batch_api_mock = nil
graph_mock = mock(Koala::Facebook::API).new(oauth_token).mock!
#The block is passed in as a proc as the first argument to the returns block.
graph_mock.batch.returns do |proc_as_block|
Hope that helps someone save some time. They need to add this little gem to the documentation