I have written the following code snippet to read data from the database :
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_resource'
class Website < ActiveResource::Base
self.site = "http://localhost:3000"
websites = Website.find(:all)
puts websites.inspect
this gives me following output :
prompt:~/Desktop$ ruby active_resource_example.rb
=> nil
My websites table contains the following fields :
== Schema Information
Table name: websites
id :integer(4) not null, primary key
name :string(255)
url :string(255)
description :text
active :boolean(1) default(TRUE)
created_at :datetime
updated_at :datetime
There are records present in my websites table, but why it is showing me nil result. This is the simplest code I could write and still not getting the required result.
Can anyone help me with this?
First of all, you should start web server through call rails server
command. I think you already prepared this because in the opposite case you received some errors about connection. Later, you must be sure that your routes contains something like this:
resources :websites
and your website controller contains format.json
section in respond_to
At last you can check logs - after preparing Website.find(:all)
call (to the point - you can use Website.all
) you should receive following record:
Started GET "/websites.json" for ....