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Whitelist security constraint in web.xml

I'm using Tomcat for my Struts2 application. The web.xml has certain entries as shown below:

        <web-resource-name>restricted methods</web-resource-name>
    <auth-constraint />

How can I change above blacklisted parts to use only whitelisting part... For example, instead of blacklisting PUT, DELTE http methods, I need to whitelist other methods but I'm not sure the syntax of whitelisting them & what methods to whitelist them.

For my above web.xml snippet, I'll appreciate if some one can provide me whitelisitng counter part for above xml.

EDIT: Also, how would I really verify whether the solution works or not?



  • I would try the following:

        <!-- no auth-constraint tag here -->
            <web-resource-name>restricted methods</web-resource-name>

    The first security-constraint does not have any auth-constraint, so the GET and POST methods are available to anyone without login. The second restricts other http methods for everybody. (I haven't tried it.)