I am working on a BHO popups / ads blocker, and I can't find how to block this js triggered popup:
var popDialogOptions = "dialogWidth:795px; dialogHeight:500px; center:1; menubar:1; tollbar:1; location:0; resizable:1; scroll:1; status:1; fullscreen;yes";
I am intercepting DISPID_NEWWINDOW, DISPID_NEWWINDOW2 and DISPID_NEWWINDOW3 but none of those are being fired, but the popup does open.
How could I block this type of popups?
I'm not very familiar with IE BHOs, however, regarding JavaScript itself: have you considered adding at the beginning of the page
window.showModalDialog = new Function();
e.g. by inserting new <script>
as a first child of <head>
(prevents popup for me in IE8/XP) or this is too brutal (because it blocks modal dialogs at all)?