I am writing a template Polynom<T>
class where T
is the numeric type of its coefficients.
The coefficients of the polynom are stored in an std::vector<T> coefficients
, where coefficients[i]
corresponds to x^i
in a real polynom. (so the powers of x are in increasing order).
It is guaranteed that coefficients
vector always contains at least one element. - for a zero polynom it is T()
I want to overload the operator[]
to do the following:
for indices within the stored range - and reasonably return 0 for all other indices, not throw.coefficients.size()
. So we want to somehow resize the vector.The main problem I have collided with is as follows:
How do I distinguish between the read case and the write case? One person left me without an explanation but said that writing two versions:
const T& operator[] (int index) const;
T& operator[] (int index);
was insufficient. However, I thought that the compiler would prefer the const version in the read case, won't it?
I want to make sure that no trailing zeros are ever stored in the coefficients
vector. So I somehow have to know in advance, "before" I return a mutable T&
of my coefficient, what value user wants to assign. And I know that operator[]
doesn't receive a second argument.
Obviously, if this value is not zero (not T()), then I have to resize my vector and set the appropriate coefficient to the value passed.
But I cannot do it in advance (before returning a T&
from operator[]
), because if the value to be assigned is T(), then, provided I resize my coefficients vector in advance, it will eventually have lots of trailing "zeroes".
Of course I can check for trailing zeroes in every other function of the class and remove them in that case. Seems a very weird decision to me, and I want every function to start working in assumption that there are no zeroes at the end of the vector if its size > 1.
Could you please advise me as concrete solution as possible to this problem?
I heard something about writing an inner class implicitly convertible to T&
with overloaded operator=
, but I lack the details.
Thank you very much in advance!
One option you could try (I haven't tested this):
template<typename T>
class MyRef{
int index;
MyRef(int index, Polynom<T>*p) : index(index), p(p) { }
MyRef<T>& operator=(T const&t); //and define these appropriately
T operator T() const;
and define:
MyRef<T> operator[](int index){
return MyRef<T>(index, this);
This way when you assign a value to the "reference" it should have access to all the needed data in the polynomial, and take the appropriate actions.
I am not familiar enough with your implementation, so I'll instead give an example of a very simple dynamic array that works as follows:
int index
without concern; elements not previously written to should read off as 0
.#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<typename T>
class my_array{
T* _data;
int _size;
class my_ref{
int index;
T*& obj;
my_ref(T*& obj, int&size, int index)
: index(index), obj(obj), size(size){}
my_ref& operator=(T const& t){
if (index>=size){
obj = (T*)realloc(obj, sizeof(T)*(index+1) );
while (size<=index)
obj[index] = t;
return *this;
//edit:this one should allow writing, say, v[1]=v[2]=v[3]=4;
my_ref& operator=(const my_ref&r){
operator=( (T) r);
return *this;
operator T() const{
return (index>=size)?0:obj[index];
my_array() : _data(NULL), _size(0) {}
my_ref operator[](int index){
return my_ref(_data,_size,index);
int size() const{ return _size; }
int main(){
my_array<int> v;
v[0] = 42;
v[1] = 51;
v[5] = 5; v[5]=6;
v[30] = 18;
v[2] = v[1]+v[5];
v[4] = v[8]+v[1048576]+v[5]+1000;
cout << "allocated elements: " << v.size() << endl;
for (int i=0;i<31;i++)
cout << v[i] << " " << endl;
return 0;
It's a very simple example and not very efficient in its current form but it should prove the point.
Eventually you might want to overload operator&
to allow things like *(&v[0] + 5) = 42;
to work properly. For this example, you could have that operator&
gives a my_pointer
which defines operator+
to do arithmetic on its index
field and return a new my_pointer
. Finally, you can overload operator*()
to go back to a my_ref