Is it possible to load a file with 3 or 4 million lines in less than 1 second (1.000000)? One line contains one word. Words range in length from 1 - 17 (does that matter?).
My code is now:
List<string> LoadDictionary(string filename)
List<string> wordsDictionary = new List<string>();
Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(1250);//I need ę ą ć ł etc.
using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(filename, enc))
string line = "";
while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
if (line.Length > 2)
return wordsDictionary;
Results of timed execution:
How can I force the method to make it execute in half the time?
If you know that your list will be large, you should set a good starting capacity.
List<string> wordsDictionary = new List<string>( 100000 );
If you don't do this, the list will need to keep increasing its capacity which takes a bit of time. Likely won't cut this down by half, but it's a start