I want to get the name of all the columns in the selected database provided the condition that the name of the tables whose column to be fetched are in the string array and can be changed on fly.
I have a code where I can get the name of all column of a particular table only:
var properties = from p in typeof(EntityAttribute).GetProperties()
where (from a in p.GetCustomAttributes(false)
where a is EdmScalarPropertyAttribute
select true).FirstOrDefault()
select new
FieldName = p.Name,
FieldType = p.PropertyType,
FieldPK = p.GetCustomAttributes(false).Where(a => a is EdmScalarPropertyAttribute && ((EdmScalarPropertyAttribute)a).EntityKeyProperty).Count() > 0
EntityAttribute is the name of the column.
The problem is that this class name EntityAttribute is a class. i want to pass this class name from the string array.
Example: I have a string array that have the name of say three tables:
Now i want to iterate the code given above by passing the Class Name that is in a string
How should I pass it?
You can use GetType
Type type = Type.GetType("YourApplication.Namespace.EntityAttribute");