I want to read from a file each line and edit only the lines that presents a url from a specific server... My code is like...
Scanner ReadIsbn = new Scanner (new FileReader ("C:/Users/...."));
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("http:////www.librarything.com//isbn//");
while ( ReadIsbn.hasNextLine()){
String line = ReadIsbn.nextLine();
Matcher m = pat.matcher(line);
if (m.matches() == true) {
EDIT line....
And it is not working... In fact m.matches() is always false.. In the file i give as input, there are lines like:
1) http://www.librarything.com/isbn/0-9616696-7-5.html
2) http://www.librarything.com/isbn/0-86078-322-7.html
Cultural tourism : how the arts can help market tourism products, how
(i want to edit only the first two lines of the example)
You need not escape forward slashes in your pattern. This should do
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("http://www.librarything.com/isbn/");
Another problem is that matches
method tries to match pattern against entire input text. Use
if (m.find()){
EDIT line....
If you just want to check the prefix as you are doing here, then you can also use String#startsWith method