I am using Base2 as a means to allow us to easily do inheritance in our system, aswell as using KnockoutJS for some UI interactions.
We have defined a base class for our ViewModels
BaseViewModel = Base.extend({
Which we then extend for our view models:
ExampleViewModel = BaseViewModel.extend({
text: ko.observable("")
However there seems to be a problem. When you create 2+ instances of the view model (say if you are pushing them in to an observableArray and using templates to build up a UI) it seems like any changes made to a bound field, updates all view models rather than just the one it's bound to.
Does anybody know why this might be?
Because the extension is not actually instantiating a new observable, its just copying the reference.
I think you can do something like this:
ExampleViewModel = BaseViewModel.extend({
constructor: function() {
this.text = ko.observable("");
Not as nice though as normal Base2 syntax, but just a limitation in how Knockout is implemented due to issues with properties.