Background: It's common in Talend to use something like tSplitRow to map one row with many fields into multiple rows. A row with fields:
Date | Name | MorningPhone | Day Phone | EveningPhone
...could be split into:
Date | Name | Phone
... and you'll always have 3 resulting rows from one row.
Question: What if I want number of rows from a variable number of fields?
I have a schema: UniqueID | FieldSet
where FieldSet is a delimited field of columns divisible by nine. If there are 45 fields, in this delimited column, I want 5 rows. 81 fields => 9 rows.
I'm trying to use tJavaRow to parse the fields, but I don't know how to combine that with tSplitRow to generate the appropriate number of fields.
Ideas? Thanks!
I used a custom tJavaRow -- this turned a specially formatted string into a new table. Sort of a hack, but it worked.
String input = "";
String OUT = "";
try {
input =, "ASCII");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
String[] pieces = input.split(";");
/*for(int a=0; a<pieces.length; a++)
System.out.println("Piece "+a+"\n"+pieces[a]);*/
String[] allfields = pieces[0].split("\\|");
int fieldnum=9;
int totalrows=1;
for (int i=0; i+8<allfields.length; i++) {
String xrow = allfields[i];
for (int j=i; j<fieldnum*totalrows;j++){
OUT += (input_row.LoadTime + "\t"
+ input_row.minutepart + "\t" + input_row.TXID
+ "\t" + input_row.SessionString + "\t" + xrow + "\n");
output_row.BULK = OUT;