Something that is very handy in flex is that you can create a component, code it, skin it and then you can reuse it as you like. This means that the code is independent from each one of the copies that you produce.
I am trying to achieve this using html and js (I'm using jQuery, but open to possibilities).
Basically, I created a page (the component) that has it's own JS code and it's own skin. Now, I want to replicate this component and have each one with it's own code.
I tried two options.
Do you know of any smart way of doing this?
If you need a concrete example, here goes a simple one:
You are creating a car game. There are only two cars. Each player plays in the same keyboard with different keys. Therefore you create a "car" component". Each car has the same behavior but MUST run independently.
It's quite easy to build one. But how would you do the second one without duplicating the code?
I might be misunderstanding a whole lot but are you talking about OOP like so:
function Car(){}
Car.prototype = {
constructor: Car,
crash: function(){}
var firstCar = new Car(),
secondCar = new Car();
firstCar.crash(); //only first car crashes
I don't see why here separate sandboxes are required? But nobody is answering so meh.