We have a desktop client with several hundreds of users in our company. Sometimes it throws exceptions and crashes, but it's been hard to get the users to report their issues. To track these exceptions we are catching them and e-mailing the stacktrace and user specific data relating to the crash to a server wherefrom we then can view a log of all the crashes.
What would be really nice, is if we could log, not only the exception details, but also a screen recording video clip, of say the last 2 minutes up until the exception.
It shouldn't be very hard, all we need is some software that continuously records the screen and saves the video on drive, but erases everything older than a certain number of minutes. When the crash occurs we have can simply pick the current videoclip and attach it along with the exception details.
Anyone know of such a software, or anything similar that would solve our issue?
----------Solved: I used both AndrewThompson´s and pjvds answers below. Andrews strategy outline, but with C# instead of Java, simply because our application is written in C#. The Code Project article pjvds linked helped me on how to do it in C#.
Here is one strategy:
object that encapsulates a BufferedImage
and other relevant information (e.g. the time in millis or the mouse location).Robot
or by establishing a BufferedImage
the size of the content pane, and painting the content pane to the Graphics
instance obtained from the image.ScreenGrab
object and add it to an ArrayList
in the list.JpegImagesToMovie
(uses the JMF) to transform the images (with pseudo mouse drawn in) to a MOV.ScreenGrab
objects and send the archive instead. Tweaks on this technique. The advantage of sending the ScreenGrab
archive are multiple.