Hilariously, I'm having incredible difficulty finding any half-good way to determine whether or not an HTML element is inside another one or not -- which seems like it should be a basic core feature of traversing and analyzing the HTML DOM. I was immensely surprised and disappointed that the "hasDescendant" (or likewise) method is missing.
I'm trying to do this:
var frog = $('#frog');
var walrus = $('#walrus');
if (frog.hasDescendant(walrus)) console.log("Frog is within walrus.");
else console.log("Frog is outside walrus.");
I've tried to reproduce what I'm looking for with many jQuery combinations.
walrus.find(' *').has(frog);
frog.is(walrus.find(' *'));
I haven't found a working solution yet.
Solution: walrus.has(frog)
Alternate: if (walrus.has(frog)) { doStuff(); }
Alternate: var booleanResult = walrus.has(frog).length>0;
if (walrus.has(frog).length) {
// frog is contained in walrus..
Demo at http://jsfiddle.net/gaby/pZfLm/
An alternative
if ( $('#frog').closest('#walrus').length ){
// frog is contained in walrus..