In a piece of example code I wrote
var as = toArray(document.getElementsByClassName("false")).filter(function (el) {
return el.tagName === "A";
And I was thinking I could replace that with
var as = document.querySelectorAll("a.false");
Now after reading the following facts
instead of document.querySelectorAll
because I'm lazy.Question: When should I favour QSA over the normal methods?
It's clear that if your doing qsa("a")
or qsa(".class")
or qsa("#id")
your doing it wrong because there are methods (byTagName, byClassName, byId) that are better.
It's also clear that qsa("div > p.magic")
is a sensible use-case.
Question: But is qsa("tagName.class")
a good use-case of QSA?
As a futher aside there are also these things called NodeIterator
I've asked a question about QSA vs NodeIterator
You should use QSA when the gEBI, gEBN, gEBCN do not work because your selector is complex.
QSA vs DOM parsing is a matter of preference and what your going to be doing with the returned data set.