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Java-ME Application in Freeze Mode

I am developing a Java-ME Based Mobile Application. Now My Requirements are like whenever I am updating one of my RMS, I want my application to be stay in a Freeze kind of mode; which means no other action like clicking button or anything else should happen. My Method is already "Synchronized".

Kindly guide me regarding this question.



  • The best way to handle this is to "serialize" your tasks. You can do this with a message queue - a class that maintains a Vector of message objects (tasks) and runs code based on each message. The queue runs on a thread that processes each task (message) in series. You create a simple message class for the different tasks - read RMS etc. A message can be an Integer if you like that wraps a number. The operation of adding and retrieving messages is synchronized but the code than does the tasks is not and runs on a simple switch block. The benefit of serializing your tasks is you don't have to worry about concurrency. Here is some of the essential code from a class I use to do this.

    class MessageQueue implements Runnable{
    Vector messages;
    Thread myThread;
    volatile boolean stop;
    public void start() {
    myThread=new Thread(this);
    // add message to queue - this is public
    public synchronized void addMessage(Message m) {
    if(stop) {
    } else {
        // wake the thread
    // get next message from queue - used by this thread
    private synchronized Message nextMessage() {
    if(stop) return null;
    if(messages.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
        } else {
        Message m=(Message)messages.firstElement();
        return m;
    public void run() {
        while (!stop) {
            // make thread wait for messages
            if (messages.size() == 0) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
            if (stop) {
                // catch a call to quit
    // all the tasks are in here
    private void processMessage() {
        Message m = nextMessage();
        switch (m.getType()) {
            case Message.TASK1:
                // do stuff
            case Message.TASK2:
                // do other stuff
            case Message.TASK3:
                // do other other stuff
            default: //handle bad message