Okey I have a class that prints the board and another class that prints the Chess
how do I use the LayeredPane to merge them together like the example picture above? I been trying all day and nothing seems to work at all. I am using JFrame to print the picture.
Your question doesn't tell us much about the structure of your program or the specific problem that you're having. I assume that you've gone through the JLayeredPane tutorial which should explain to you pretty much the workings of a JLayeredPane, and that you understand it fully, otherwise I assume that you'd ask for clarification for your points of confusion in your question above.
I've outlined one way that I've approached a similar project in this answer: does-adding-a-jlabel-to-a-jpanel-hide-the-jpanel. Please check it out and again review the Swing tutorial and ask if anything doesn't make sense.