Currently I use page numbers in hashes with Ben's Alman jquery-hashchange plugin:
$(window).hashchange( function(){
var hash = (location.hash) ? location.hash.slice(1) : 'page1';
url: '/list/' + hash, // result url like page1, page2 etc.
Now I need to add there one more value - filter
I think result hash URL can look like
#filter=1-1-0 (if page number is omitted)
#page1 (if filter is not defined)
How to parse that? I.e. how to understand if page
is defined, if filter
is defined (and what are the values - 1
, 1
and 0
- I need them separately)?
I was thinking about Ben's Alman BBQ plugin, but (1) it looks too complicated for such simple task, (2) not sure how to use parameters (page1, page2 etc.) without values.
Very simple and unextediable parser for two hardcoded variables:
var hash_parts = location.hash.split('&', 2); //2 - limit, may be changed if more than two arguments
for(i in hash_parts) {
if(hash_parts[i].indexOf("page") === 0) { //begins with "page"
var current_page_number = hash_parts[i].substr(4);
else if(hash_parts[i].indexOf("filter") === 0) { //begins with "filter"
var filter = hash_parts[i].split('=', 2);
var filer_values = filter[1].split('-'); //filter_values == {'1', '1', '0'}
You can easily make it universal.
Please, also take a look here: Parse query string in JavaScript - just change
to hash.