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Emulate incoming network messages for Indy

Is it possible to emulate incoming messages using Indy (if it's of any importance: I'm using Indy 10 and Delphi 2009)? I want to be able to create these messages locally and I want Indy to believe that they come from specific clients in the network. All the internal Indy handling (choice of the thread in which the message is received and stuff like that) should be exactly the same as if the message would have arrived over the network.

Any ideas on that? Thanks in advance for any tips.


  • What you want to do has nothing to do with Indy, as you would need to do this on a much lower level. The easiest way to make Indy believe that messages come from a specific client is to inject properly prepared packets into the network stack. Read up on TCP Packet Injection on Google or Wikipedia. EtterCap is one such tool that allows to inject packets into established connections. However, this is definitely going into gray areas, as some of the tools are illegal in some countries.

    Anyway, all of this is IMHO much too complicated. I don't know what exactly you want to do, but a specially prepared client or server is a much better tool to emulate certain behaviour while developing server or client applications. You can run them locally, or if you need to have different IP addresses or subnets you can do a lot with virtual machines.