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Gmail API Send email from Delphi client

I am trying to send an email from my Delphi client through gmail with OAUTH2.

I had no problem getting the access token and the refresh token but I cannot send an email.

I created the following JSON and stored it to a TJSONObject called MessageObject.

    "raw":"A Base64 encoding of the email with RFC 2822 format"

I also tries with the below JSON:

    "raw":"A Base64 encoding of the email with RFC 2822 format"

I use the code below to send the request:

SetLength(HTTPHeader, 2);
HTTPHeader[0] := TNetHeader.Create('Content-Type', 'message/rfc822');
HTTPHeader[1] := TNetHeader.Create('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + sToken);

HTTPClient := THTTPClient.Create;
HTTPResponse := HTTPClient.Post('',
                                TStringStream.Create(MessageObject.ToJSON), nil, HTTPHeader);

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?


  • The problem in my code is that I used the wrong endpoint. The one I used is for uploading attachments and does not take a JSON as a body of the POST request.

    The correct one is with a Content-Type of application/json.