In PHP, I know there is no official way to delete items once they have been put into an array. But there must be a "best-method" solution to my problem. I believe this may lie in the array_filter
Essentially, I have a shopping cart object that stores items in a hashtable. Imagine you can only ever buy one of any item at a time.
I do
still returns 2.
var $items;
function add_item($id) {
$this->items[$id] = new myitem($id);
function remove_item($id) {
if ($this->items[$id]) {
$this->items[$id] = false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
function get_count() {
return count($this->items);
What do people think is the best method to use in get_count? I can't figure out the best way to use array_filter that simply doesn't return false values (without writing a seperate callback).
Thanks :)
No official way? Sure there is! Unset!
class foo
var $items = array();
function add_item($id) {
$this->items[$id] = new myitem($id);
function remove_item($id)
unset( $this->items[$id] );
function get_count() {
return count($this->items);
class myitem
function myitem( $id )
// nothing
$f = new foo();
$f->add_item( 1 );
$f->add_item( 2 );
$f->remove_item( 1 );
echo $f->get_count();
Also, is this PHP4? Because if not, you should look into some of the SPL stuff like ArrayObject or at least the the Countable and ArrayAccess interfaces.
Here's a version using the interfaces directly
class foo implements ArrayAccess, Countable
protected $items = array();
public function offsetExists( $offset )
return isset( $this->items );
public function offsetGet( $offset )
return $this->items[$offset];
public function offsetSet( $offset, $value )
$this->items[$offset] = $value;
public function offsetUnset( $offset )
unset( $this->items[$offset] );
public function count()
return count( $this->items );
public function addItem( $id )
$this[$id] = new myitem( $id );
class myitem
public function __construct( $id )
// nothing
$f = new foo();
$f->addItem( 1 );
$f->addItem( 2 );
unset( $f[1] );
echo count( $f );
And here's a version as an implementation of ArrayObject
class foo extends ArrayObject
public function addItem( $id )
$this[$id] = new myitem( $id );
class myitem
public function __construct( $id )
// nothing
$f = new foo();
$f->addItem( 1 );
$f->addItem( 2 );
unset( $f[1] );
echo count( $f );