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Accessing instances of symbols via Actionscript 3 in Flash

Background Information:

  • I am using Adobe Flash CS4
  • I am using Actionscript 3
  • I am publishing my code into an Adobe AIR document, however I am not sure that this is relevant to this particular problem.

  • I've created two symbols in the library, large rectangles, and placed instances of them on the stage.

  • I'm using "getObjectsUnderPoint" to detect the objects under where the mouse is clicked.
  • I have verified that getObjectsUnderPoint is detecting the symbol instances by tracing the names.

The Problem

  • The traced names of the objects detected by getObjectsUnderPoint are all instance1, instance2, instance3, etc. even though I have named the instances.
  • This causes an issue when trying to ensure that the mouse was clicked on a zone encompassed by either one of the rectangles, as I can't check if object[i].name == "leftbox" , and the instance1, instance2, etc. names change as I add/remove things from the stage, so I do not want to check for instance2 and instance3 (which are as of right now the 2 boxes I've created, which are named "leftbox" and "rightbox" respectively.

The Question:

Am I doing something wrong in detecting the names? How do I actually detect the instance names that I have created on the stage through the ActionScript in my class?

Here is my code:

        var pt:Point = new Point(e.stageX, e.stageY);
        var objects:Array = getObjectsUnderPoint(pt);
        var action = 0;

        for(var i=0; i< objects.length; i++) {

        if( objects.indexOf('left_box') >= 0 ){
            action = 1;

        if(objects.indexOf('right_box') >= 0 ){
            action = 2;



  • Taking forward Fahim Akhter's answer,

    You can then loop to get the parent until the object is a movieclip

    var o:DisplayObject=objects[i];
    while(!(o.parent is MovieClip)) {
    var myMovieClip:MovieClip=o.parent;

    This should give you a movie clip in myMovieClip and when you trace, you'll get what you are looking for.

    This will also work for multiple level symbols (where 1 symbol contains another)