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Formatting Sweave Tables, two challenges

I'm struggling with two formatting challenges in Sweave. One is the italicization of text in the table, the second is how to add a column summation row to the bottom of a table. Please see the following MWE for details.

\SweaveOpts{keep.source=TRUE}        % Keeps comments in the R code.
% \maketitle
\section*{The Challenge}
    Italicize the taxa in the following table and add a row at the bottom which gives the sum of the sites column.

# Creating Data
taxa <- c("Arabidopsis thaliana",
    "Populus trichocarpa",
    "Brachypodium distachyon")
sites <- c(270,320,240)
data.df <- data.frame(taxa,sites)
# Creating Table
data.table <- xtable(data.df,
    caption="Sweave Output")

    The results should look something like table 2, which was hand coded in \LaTeX.
    \caption{Manually coded \LaTeX}
    \begin{tabular}{l l r}
          & taxa & sites \\
        1 & \emph{Arabidopsis thaliana}     & 270 \\
        2 & \emph{Populus trichocarpa}      & 320 \\
        3 & \emph{Brachypodium distachyon}  & 240 \\    
          & Total Sites                     & 830 \\


  • Add the \emph manually with paste, and add the new row with rbind, setting the name of the new row to a single space. Also, use stringsAsFactors=FALSE in the original data frame creation to make adding a new value to the taxa column possible.

    Then use sanitize.text.function=identity to have xtable keep the backslashes in the \emph command, and hline.after to get the lines where you want them.

    \SweaveOpts{keep.source=TRUE}  % Keeps formatting of the R code.
    taxa <- c("Arabidopsis thaliana",
              "Populus trichocarpa",    
              "Brachypodium distachyon")
    sites <- c(270,320,240)
    data.df <- data.frame(taxa,sites, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    <<label=tab2, echo=TRUE, results=tex>>=
    data.df$taxa <- paste("\\emph{",taxa,"}", sep="")
    data.df <- rbind(data.df, ` `=c("Total Sites", sum(data.df$sites)))
    data.table <- xtable(data.df,
                         caption="Sweave Output")
          hline.after=c(-1,0,nrow(data.df)-1, nrow(data.df)))