Whenever I use ajax to dynamically create new content, .clone(), append() etc, the new element looses any triggers and events I programmed =(
After making a copy, simple things that WORK on other elements (like adding a class to ), on the copied elements no longer work. Any new ajax content does not work. Command buttons no longer work. What can I do?
I am cloning this HTML, and the command buttons no longer work. Styling the span elements no longer work on the CLONED elements:
<div name="shows" id="x"><br/> <!-- The ID depends on the database-->
<div name="shows" id="x">
ID: <input disabled="disabled" size="7" value="x" name="id" />
<select name="status" >
<option selected="selected" >Display</option>
<option >Hide</option>
<span class="required" id="date_txt">*Date: </span><input type="text" value="" name="date" />
<span class="required" id="title_txt">*Title: </span><input type="text" size="65" value="" name="title" />
<span class="required" id="venue_txt">*Venue: </span><input type="text" size="45" value="" name="venue" />
Telephone: <input type="text" value="" name="tel" />
URL: <input type="text" size="100" value="" name="url" />
Address: <input type="text" size="45" value="" name="address" />
<span class="required" id="city_txt">*City: </span><input type="text" value="" name="city" />
State: <input type="text" value="" name="state" />
ZIP: <input type="text" value="" name="zip" />
<span id="country_txt">*Country: </span><input type="text" value="United States" name="country" />
<br/>Comments: <br/>
<textarea cols="80" rows="8" name="comments" ></textarea>
<!-- START OF:commands -->
<div id="commands" >
<button name="edit" id="edit" >Edit</button>
<button name="delete" id="delete" >Delete</button>
<br />
<hr />
<br />
<!-- END OF:commands -->
<!-- END OF:new -->
New comments added, 11/03/2011:
OK, I figured out the problem and I had an error on my jQuery. Now, when I add .clone( true ) ALMOST everything works.
Here is my ajax code (After a successful submition):
UI datepicker code:
$("input[name='date']").datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, numberOfMonths: 3, showButtonPanel: true});
...ajax code...
var $msg = eval(data);
if( $msg[0] == 1 )
$id = '#'+$msg[1];
$data = $("#new");
$new = $data.clone(true);
$new.attr("id", $id);
$new.children('[name="id"]').attr("value", $id);
$new.children(":input").each(function() { var $value = $(this).val(); $(this).attr("value", $value); });
$new.prepend( "<br/>" );
$commands = $("#blank").children("#commands").clone(true);
$commands.children("#add").attr("pk", $id);
$commands.children("#add").attr("name", "update");
$commands.children("#add").attr("id", "update");
$commands.children("#reset").attr("pk", $id);
$commands.children("#reset").attr("name", "delete");
$commands.children("#reset").attr("id", "delete");
$new.append( $commands );
$("#blank").slideUp(2500, function(){
$("#ADDNEW").html("► New:");
//$("#blank").clone().prependTo( $("#active") );
//$("#blank").prependTo( "#active" );
$("#active").slideUp("slow", function(){
$("#ON").html("► Active:");
$("#active").prepend( $new );
$("#active").slideDown(8500, function(){
$("#ON").html("▼ Active:");
$("#blank").slideDown(3500, function(){
$("#ADDNEW").html("▼ New:");
}); //end: anumation.#blank.slideDown
}); //end: anumation.#active.slideDown
}); //end: anumation.#blank.slideUp
}); //end: anumation.#active.slideUp
//$("#new").fadeOut(2000, function(){
//START: blank
//alert( $("#blank").html() );
//$dad = $("#new");
//$dad.children('input[name!="id"][name!="country"], textarea').val('');
//$dad.children('[name="country"]').val("United States");
//END: blank
//$("#new").fadeIn(2000, function(){
//alert( $msg );
//}); //end: anumation.fadeIn
//}); //end: anumation.fadeOut
} //end: if
//var varMSG = data;
//alert( "Hello" );
alert( $msg );
//$("#add").attr("disabled", false);
//$("#reset").attr("disabled", false);
} //end: if.else
}//end: $.post.function
); //END:$.post
.clone( true )
does the trick.
Documentation: http://api.jquery.com/clone/