I have an assembly project with two direct dependencies, a war and an jar. In the assembly descriptor, I am trying to place the war in one folder and the jar in another. As such, I am using the following dependencySet snippet:
However, when I execute "mvn assembly:single", it always ends up placing the jar in the webapps directory. I have tried every possible way to force it to exclude the jar (including adding excludes tags, etc). I know I could do a workaround by using the by using the maven dependency plugin to copy the jar to a folder and then use the assembly descriptor to copy the flat file over. However, I really feel like I ought to be able to use dependency sets to do this. Any ideas?
Additional information:
I figured it out. I was going to look at the source code for the assembly plugin to figure out the problem. In doing so, I noticed that I was using assembly 2.2-beta-1. Upgrading to 2.2 fixed the issue entirely. Lesson learned that I should always check the version of the plugin next time.