Let's say I have the string:
You are pretty
but that<
is prettier<
Sorry about the English but how could I count how many <> there are in the above text ?
I know I could do:
int count = message.Length - message.Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Length;
But that would count even if the text was like this:
how you doing>>>
When in fact I just want to count the pairs of <> so the count goes by one when it finds a starting < and ending > and should only starting counting when < is found.
What about doing it like this. Basically you should only count the > if you have encountered a < at some time before. Or said in another way. You stack up <'s, and then you use one of them each when you encounter a >.
string test = "You are pretty <lady> but that <girl> is prettier <than> you.";
int startcount = 0;
int paircount = 0;
foreach( char c in test ){
if( c == '<' )
if( c == '>' && startcount > 0 ){
//paircount should now be the value you are after.
I thought that <<<>>> should count 3 not 1, so then you need a quick fix above. For it to count <<<>>> as only 1, change to this
string test = "You are pretty <lady> but that <girl> is prettier <than> you.";
bool foundstart = false;
int paircount = 0;
foreach( char c in test ){
if( c == '<' )
foundstart = true;
if( c == '>' && foundstart ){
foundstart = false;
//paircount should now be the value you are after.