is it possible to create a generic method in interfaces?
say I want to create an interface
public interface Merge {
public void merge(Object host, Object other);
then I want the implementing class to implement this, but define the type of host and other.
public class FooBazMerge implements Merge {
public void merge(Foo host, Baz other){
// merge some properties
the reason why I want to do this is so that I can do something like this
public class SomeObject {
private Merge merge;
private Foo foo;
private Baz baz;
public setMerge(Merge merge){
this.merge = merge
public void merge(SomeObject anotherObject){
merge.merge(, anotherObject.getBaz());
I basically want to delegate the merging responsibility/logic of someObject to FooBazMerge. that way I can change the implementation of how it's merged without having to muck with the domain models every time an adjustment needs to be made.
public interface Merge<A,B> {
public void merge(A host, B other);
is this what you are looking for? This is valid syntax. Your implementing class would look like:
public class FooBazMerge implements Merge<Foo, Baz> {
public void merge(Foo host, Baz other){
// merge some properties