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Delphi Xe2 Package x64

Let's admit, I create new package in Delphi Xe2. I keep under a name "My". I add a simple component "MyComponent". I compile, I receive file Bpl in C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\9.0\Bpl\My.bpl.

I add a platform "Win x64". I compile, I receive C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\9.0\Bpl\Win64\My.bpl.

...\Bpl\Win64\My.bpl to establish as new package does not give, writes "is not windows x32 applications". The first is established normally and on a palette the component appears "MyComponent". If to bring to are mute the index of a mouse will appear hint where it will be written, that it x32-compatible. And at native component Delphi - at all x32-64 compatible. Together with a disk to Xe2 there is a free disk with Free and Tral components if to put therefrom for example OverByteIcs or Ip*Works, that at them at all components will be 32-64х compatibility.

Questions: 1. How to establish the x64 the version package? 2. How to achieve, that the component had a compatibility 32-64, and not just 32?

P.S. Bad English language: ON


  • The Delphi IDE is 32 bit and so can only load 32 bit designtime packages. You can of course create 64 bit runtime packages.