I understand that java Date is timezoneless and trying to set different timezone on Java Calendar wouldn't convert date to an appropriate Time Zone. So I have tried following code
public static String DATE_FORMAT="dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss";
public static String CURRENT_DATE_STRING ="31 October 2011 14:19:56 GMT";
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
but it outputs wrong date Mon Oct 31 16:19:56
when it must be 12:19:56
The main issue here is your date format string is using hh (12-hour clock) instead of HH (24-hour)
Secondly, your date format should specify that your date string contains the timezone. (Alternatively you could uncomment the commented line, to tell it the correct timezone).
Thirdly, you should use a DateFormat to output the time to screen aswell...
Finally, UTC = GMT, so the UTC time is also 14:19:56
(GMT, 'British Winter Time', is the same as UTC, whereas BST is one hour ahead)
public class DateFormatTest {
public static String DATE_FORMAT="dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z";
public static String CURRENT_DATE_STRING ="31 October 2011 14:19:56 GMT";
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
Date d= dateFormat.parse(CURRENT_DATE_STRING);
Output: 31 Oct 2011 14:19:56 UTC