im trying to access the atk, def, hp, spd, and mana variables on the inspector to add stats to a prefab, but they arent showing up on the inspector for some reason when I attach the script to the gameobject. please help
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
namespace Stats
public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour
public static int atk;
public static int def;
public static int hp;
public static int spd;
public static int mana;
public static UnityEngine.UI.Image enemyImage;
public static GameObject[] infectedLvlOne;
public static GameObject[] infectedLvlTwo;
public static GameObject[] infectedLvlThree;
public static GameObject[] infectedLvlFour;
public static GameObject[] infectedLvlFive;
public static GameObject[] infectedLvlSix;
public static GameObject[] infectedLvlSeven;
public static GameObject[] infectedLvlEight;
public static GameObject[] infections;
private static int baseAtk;
private static int baseDef;
private static int baseHp;
private static int baseSpd;
private static int baseMana;
private static int lvl;
static void SetBaseInfectionStats()
atk = baseAtk * lvl;
def = baseDef * lvl;
hp = baseHp * lvl;
spd = baseSpd * lvl;
mana = baseMana * lvl;
I have tried adding system serializable to the class and field serializable to the variables I need, but even with that it doesnt work. The variables are public so they should appear.
Static variables are not serializable.
From Docs:
To use field serialization, you must ensure it:
Is public, or has a SerializeField attribute
Is not static
Is not const
Is not readonly
Has a fieldtype that can be serialized.
Remove the static keyword from the fields and they will be serialized and show in the inspector.