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Migrating Custom Chakra UI Theme to Chakra UI v3

I'm updating a Chakra UI theme to work with Chakra UI v3 and need guidance on migrating custom components. My current theme extends @chakra-ui/react and defines various component styles like Alert, Button, Tabs, etc.

import { extendTheme } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import Alert from "./components/Alert";
import Button from "./components/Button";
import Tabs from "./components/Tabs";

const theme = extendTheme({
    components: {

export default theme;

How should I update these components to align with Chakra UI v3? Are there major API changes affecting custom components, and is there a recommended approach for migrating them? Documentation is not explaining everything. They have showed how the styles used though.


  • Chakra mainly removes design-related logic from the React lifecycle to improve the reconciliation algorithm in Chakra 3. Now, you need to use Recipes instead of direct components.

    Button Recipe

    import { defineRecipe } from "@chakra-ui/react";
    const buttonRecipe = defineRecipe({
      base: {
        fontWeight: "bold",
      variants: {
        solid: {
          bg: "red.500",
        outline: {
          border: "2px solid",
          borderColor: "black.500",
      defaultVariant: "solid",
    export default buttonRecipe;

    System Object Creation

    import { createSystem, defaultConfig } from "@chakra-ui/react";
    import buttonRecipe from "./components/Button";
    const themeConfig = {
      theme: {
        recipes: {
          Button: buttonRecipe,
    export const system = createSystem(defaultConfig, themeConfig);

    With this setup, you now use the Button via the system object instead of directly using Chakra UI components.