I want to execute the command on each node:
docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' -a | egrep -v '^k8s.*$'
I tried millions of variants to execute command in ansible, including:
- hosts: kubernetes
- name: check docker
cmd: docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' -a | egrep -v '^k8s.*$'
register: doc
- debug: var=doc.stdout_lines
I tried to escape characters. But nothing works. So, how to make ansible execute the my docker command on each host?
PS I want to list containers that ain't controlled by k8s
You have several problems with your task:
you are using the command
module with shell syntax (pipelining multiple commands)
The error in this case:
unknown shorthand flag: 'v' in -v See 'docker ps --help'.
As you can see, the pipe is ignored and the -v
parameter is passed to the Docker command.
double curly braces in a string. Double curly braces are interpreted as Jinja2 syntax in Ansible and attempts to templatize.
The error in this case:
template error while templating string: unexpected '.'.
You can use the shell
module, here you can execute all commands that are possible in a shell.
Alternatively, you can simply execute the Docker command with the command
module and filter the resulting data in Ansible.
See below for examples.
Define the curly brackets as variables and insert them at the appropriate place.
- name: check docker
cmd: "docker ps --format '{{ cbo }} .Names {{ cbc }}' -a"
cbo: "{{ '{{' }}" # curly braces open
cbc: "{{ '}}' }}" # curly braces close
register: doc
You can define the entire string as raw string with marker !unsafe
. Then it is not templated by Ansible with Jinja2, but then you can't templatize other variables in this string.
- name: check docker
cmd: !unsafe "docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' -a"
register: doc
using command
module, filter data in Ansible and !unsafe
- name: check docker
cmd: !unsafe "docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' -a"
register: doc
- name: filter docker container names
container_names: "{{ doc.stdout_lines | reject('match', '^k8s') }}"
- debug: var=container_names
With the reject
filter, all list elements that match ^k8s
are discarded.
using shell
module and !unsafe
- name: check docker
cmd: !unsafe "docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' -a | egrep -v '^k8s.*$'"
register: doc
- debug: var=doc.stdout_lines