I'm using the JQuery plugin AjaxForm (http://jquery.malsup.com/form/) to submit the contents of a form to a PHP script and return the results to a div.
The form has some pre-set values in the form attributes, and when the page first loads I want to submit the the form so that the results div displays some results (and isn't just blank).
The code looks as follows:
$(document).ready(function() {
target: '#searchresults',
success: function() {
I've tried all the normal ways to submit a form using Javascript, such as the searchresults.form.submit(); approach, but it doesn't work.
Can anyone show me how I can amend the Javascript to submit the contents of the form #searchform on load? Or is their a better way to run the PHP script and return the results to the #searchresults when on load?
You need to trigger the submit event of the form in the document ready.
$('#searchform').ajaxForm(function() {
// Handle stuff here