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Excel VBA to add current date into empty cells, save it as values and save the file

so the thing is, I have one date column in Excel table. What I would like to do is create a VBA, that would fill in only the empty cells of that table column with current date as values (or TODAY() formula and then transforming the outputs into values) and save the file (ability to close the file after the save would be even better). I am not quite experienced with the VBAs, so help there would be really great.

In a nutshell, the VBA should execute these steps in this order:

  1. Fill in the empty cells in "Date created" column (same column name in every table) in Table1, Table2 and Table3, with current date (as value). Table1 is on Sheet1, Table2 is on Sheet2, Table3 is on Sheet3.
  2. Save the file
  3. Popup message with following: "Data successfully saved. Click "Yes" to close the file. Click "No" to continue working in this file."
  4. After clicking on the "Yes", the file would close. After clicking on "No", the file would only save, without closing.


  • Populate Excel Table Column with Today's Date

    Single Sheet

    Sub FinalizeSheet()
        ' Define constants.
        Const SHEET_NAME As String = "Sheet1"
        Const TABLE_NAME As String = "Table1"
        Const DATE_COLUMN_TITLE As String = "Date"
        Const MSG_TITLE As String = "Finalize Sheet"
        Const MSG_PROMPT As String = _
             "Data successfully saved. Click OK to close the file."
        With ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
            ' Populate blank cells with today's date.
            With .Sheets(SHEET_NAME).ListObjects(TABLE_NAME) _
                    .ListColumns(DATE_COLUMN_TITLE).Range ' date column
                Dim Today As Date: Today = Date
                Dim RowsCount As Long: RowsCount = .Rows.Count
                If RowsCount = 1 Then ' single cell
                    If Len(CStr(.Value)) = 0 Then .Value = Today
                Else ' multiple cells
                    Dim Data() As Variant: Data = .Value ' column values to array
                    Dim r As Long
                    For r = 1 To RowsCount
                        If Len(CStr(Data(r, 1))) = 0 Then Data(r, 1) = Today
                    Next r
                    .Value = Data ' modified array values to column
                End If
            End With
            ' Save and close.
            Dim MsgAnswer As Long: MsgAnswer = MsgBox( _
                MSG_PROMPT, vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, MSG_TITLE)
            If MsgAnswer = vbYes Then .Close SaveChanges:=False ' just got saved
        End With
    End Sub

    Multiple Sheets

    Sub FinalizeSheet2()
        ' Define constants.
        Const SHEET_NAMES As String = "Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3"
        Const TABLE_INDEX As Long = 1
        Const DATE_COLUMN_TITLE As String = "Date Created"
        Const MSG_TITLE As String = "Finalize Sheet"
        Const MSG_PROMPT As String = _
             "Data successfully saved. Click OK to close the file."
        With ThisWorkbook
            Dim Today As Date: Today = Date
            Dim SheetNames() As String: SheetNames = Split(SHEET_NAMES, ",")
            Dim Data() As Variant, RowsCount As Long, n As Long, r As Long
            ' In each sheet...
            For n = 0 To UBound(SheetNames)
                ' Populate blank cells with today's date.
                With .Sheets(SheetNames(n)).ListObjects(TABLE_INDEX) _
                    RowsCount = .Rows.Count
                    If RowsCount = 1 Then ' single cell
                        If Len(CStr(.Value)) = 0 Then .Value = Today
                    Else ' multiple cells
                        Data = .Value ' column values to array
                        For r = 1 To RowsCount
                            If Len(CStr(Data(r, 1))) = 0 Then Data(r, 1) = Today
                        Next r
                        .Value = Data ' modified array values to column
                    End If
                End With
            Next n
            ' Save and close.
            Dim MsgAnswer As Long: MsgAnswer = MsgBox( _
                MSG_PROMPT, vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, MSG_TITLE)
            If MsgAnswer = vbYes Then .Close SaveChanges:=False ' just got saved
        End With
    End Sub