Search code examples

Confluence Rest API: cql 'order by' is not taken into account

I have the following REST API url


and i get the following items in response


Theses blog posts are the oldest ones. I want the newest ones, and was expecting order by created desc to work.

What am i doing wrong with &cql= ?


I tried 'order by id DESC' as my result were like this, but it didn't change also. It look like cql is not taken into account at all. Do we have a way of having a more verbose output from rest such that it shows ho CQL is parsed ?

  'id': '1',
  'type': 'blogpost',
  'status': 'current',
  'title': 'blog1',
  '_links': {
    'webui': 'REDACTED',
    'edit': 'REDACTED',
    'tinyui': 'REDACTED',
    'self': 'REDACTED'
  '_expandable': {
    'container': '/rest/api/space/REDACTED',
    'metadata': '',
    'operations': '',
    'children': '/rest/api/content/REDACTED/child',
    'restrictions': '/rest/api/content/REDACTED/restriction/byOperation',
    'history': '/rest/api/content/REDACTED/history',
    'ancestors': '',
    'body': '',
    'version': '',
    'descendants': '/rest/api/content/REDACTED/descendant',
    'space': '/rest/api/space/REDACTED'
  'id': '2',
  'type': 'blogpost',
  'status': 'current',
  'title': 'blog2',
  '_links': {
    'webui': 'REDACTED',
    'edit': 'REDACTED',
    'tinyui': 'REDACTED',
    'self': 'REDACTED'
  '_expandable': {
    'container': '/rest/api/space/REDACTED',
    'metadata': '',
    'operations': '',
    'children': '/rest/api/content/REDACTED/child',
    'restrictions': '/rest/api/content/REDACTED/restriction/byOperation',
    'history': '/rest/api/content/REDACTED/history',
    'ancestors': '',
    'body': '',
    'version': '',
    'descendants': '/rest/api/content/REDACTED/descendant',
    'space': '/rest/api/space/REDACTED'


  • It is working here with this query:


    Note the following:

    • I use {confluence}/rest/api/content/search instead of {confluence}/rest/api/content, as documented in the Atlassian REST API documentation.

    • I use cql as the only query parameter (and move space and type into the CQL query).

    • id order does not always correspond to created order - there are (at least here) pages with higher ids created before pages with lower ids. To verify, add &expand=history to the query and check the history.createdDate in the response. The following example uses order by created asc:

      enter image description here