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Multiple Points Along Line between two known Geo Coords?

I have a Java project to plot properties to geo co-ords. It does not need to be super accurate, within 10+ metres is fine.

I have searched Haversine formulas, and midpoint formulas, but I can't see how they solve my problem:

I have a set of coords for corner and end lot properties. I know that there are for example, 6 properties between these two known points.

I am no maths or GIS expert, so I wanted an informed opinion if the following strategy si workable or rubbish:

Take the difference between LAT and LNG A and B. Divide that number by the number or properties. Will this work, or is there a better way of doing this?

Your answer is really appreciated!


  • You can use formulae from spherical geometry as they are presented e.g. in Calculate distance, bearing and more between Latitude/Longitude points. In the following I will refer to this page.

    1. Calculate the bearing theta between the two given points P1 and P2 (use formula for Bearing).
    2. Calculate the distance d between the two given points P1 and P2 (use formula for Distance).
    3. Calculate any point P on the line between P1 and P2, given the distance D from P1, in your case D = d/6, D = 2d/6, ... Use the formula under Destination point given distance and bearing from start point.

    ADDED: A running JS program with source code is on jsfiddle.