The users of the RAP app I am working on want a button to open some documentation in a new tab. This documentation lives in a local directory inside the Docker container running the app, let's say /opt/doc/index.html.
I created said button, and gave it the following action:
public class OpenDocumentationAction extends Action
public static String DOCUMENTATION_URI = "/opt/doc/index.html";
public OpenDocumentationAction()
// Nothing to do here
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void run()
File htmlFile = new File(DOCUMENTATION_URI);
String path = htmlFile.getAbsolutePath();
UrlLauncher launcher = RWT.getClient().getService(UrlLauncher.class);
You can see that I gave the Google URL to the openURL method. This is because this one works, it opens in a new tab like I want. The moment I pass it my DOCUMENTATION_URI String, it does nothing. No error message, no exception, just nothing.
My current theory is that the browsers (I tested with Firefox and Chrome) have a security feature to block webapps from opening local files like this. Regardless of if I am correct or not, I need a way to open that local HTML file.
Browsers block web apps from opening local files directly. Instead, serve the documentation via the RAP resource manager and open it with UrlLauncher
Register the resource:
new FileInputStream(new File("/opt/doc/index.html"))
Launch the URL:
UrlLauncher launcher = RWT.getClient().getService(UrlLauncher.class);
launcher.openURL(RWT.getRequest().getContextPath() + "/rwt-resources/doc/index.html");
This makes the file accessible via a URL within your app and opens it in a new tab.