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How to setup a mockEnvironment in @telegram-apps/sdk version 3?

Environment: Vanilla TS + Vite

Package: @telegram-apps/sdk - v3.4.0

I have used a bunch of different ways to try and use mockEnvironment but it just doesn't seem to work, and there's no documentations for the new version about the mock that I could find, I'm not sure how to make this work.

A couple of things I've tried that didn't work:

  tgWebAppThemeParams: {
    accent_text_color: '#6ab2f2',
    bg_color: '#17212b',
    button_Color: '#5288c1',
    button_text_color: '#ffffff',
    destructive_text_color: '#ec3942',
    header_bg_color: '#17212b',
    hint_color: '#708499',
    link_color: '#6ab3f3',
    secondary_bg_color: '#232e3c',
    section_bg_color: '#17212b',
    section_header_text_color: '#6ab3f3',
    subtitle_text_color: '#708499',
    text_color: '#f5f5f5',
  tgWebAppData: {
    user: {
      id: 99281932,
      first_name: 'Andrew',
      last_name: 'Rogue',
      username: 'rogue',
      language_code: 'en',
    hash: '89d6079ad6762351f38c6dbbc41bb53048019256a9443988af7a48bcad16ba31',
    auth_date: new Date(1716922846000),
    signature: 'abc',
    start_param: 'debug',
    chat_type: 'sender',
    chat_instance: '8428209589180549439',

  tgWebAppVersion: "8.0",
  tgWebAppPlatform: "tdesktop",
  tgWebAppStartParam: "debug"


    window.Telegram = {
      tgWebAppThemeParams: {
        accent_text_color: '#6ab2f2',
        bg_color: '#17212b',
        button_Color: '#5288c1',
        button_text_color: '#ffffff',
        destructive_text_color: '#ec3942',
        header_bg_color: '#17212b',
        hint_color: '#708499',
        link_color: '#6ab3f3',
        secondary_bg_color: '#232e3c',
        section_bg_color: '#17212b',
        section_header_text_color: '#6ab3f3',
        subtitle_text_color: '#708499',
        text_color: '#f5f5f5',
      tgWebAppData: {
        user: {
          id: 99281932,
          first_name: 'Andrew',
          last_name: 'Rogue',
          username: 'rogue',
          language_code: 'en',
        hash: '89d6079ad6762351f38c6dbbc41bb53048019256a9443988af7a48bcad16ba31',
        auth_date: new Date(1716922846000),
        signature: 'abc',
        start_param: 'debug',
        chat_type: 'sender',
        chat_instance: '8428209589180549439',

      tgWebAppVersion: "6.0",
      tgWebAppPlatform: "web",
      tgWebAppStartParam: "debug"
    } as LaunchParams;


  • Found this in tests:

    It is working perfect for me:
