I am able to output a table generated with the module Text::Table:Boxed
as per example given here, the first lines being as follows:
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
use Text::Table::Boxed;
open(my $tfh, "> /home/zmumba/Output/Rtable.txt") or die "open 'Rtable.txt': failed $! ($^E)";
my $tb = Text::Table::Boxed->new({
... table contens ...
print $tfh $tb
as given here, does not clearly offer the possibility of directing output to a file. The first lines
use 5.010001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::Table::More qw/generate_table/;
my $rows = [
...Table content ...
binmode STDOUT, "utf8";
print generate_table(
.. attributes ...
I am able to generate the table to screen. I do not see how I get this table to a file.
The generate_table function returns a string.
Like in the first code example, open
a filehandle and print
to it:
open(my $tfh, "> /home/zmumba/Output/Rtable.txt") or die "open 'Rtable.txt': failed $! ($^E)";
print $tfh generate_table(
#... attributes ...
This worked for me using the SYNOPSIS code from Text::Table::More