I am trying to use Web Workers, and I noticed that to improve performance you can use "transferable" objects in postMessage
In Deno, transferable object means ArrayBuffer, but how to transform an array variable to ArrayBuffer ?
my use case is sending array of around 10k elements to the web worker, so I'd like to not copy it if possible.
An array with strings could technically be transferred by creating a binary array from a serialized string:
// sender
arr = [1, 2, 'three']
bytes = new TextEncoder().encode(arr.join('|'))
postMessage(bytes, [bytes.buffer])
// receiver
onmessage = event => new TextDecoder().decode(event.data).split('|')
However, standard serialization should outperform that conversion/transfer:
postMessage(arr) // sender
onmessage = event => event.data // receiver